Visit Us!

Service: 10:15am
9:00am: Sunday School, Junior Bible Study, Bethel's Teens, and Bible Class
10:15am Service
**Daycare for infants 3 and under starting September 8th from 9:20am-10:30am
Starting September 22nd from 8:45am-11:30am during Adult Bible Class and Worship

Upcoming Events

Pastor Eric Moeller continues to serve as Vacancy Pastor.  

Welcome back breakfast from 9am-10am in the West basement. All are welcome.

On Sunday, September 22nd, we return with Sunday School, Junior Bible Study, Bethel's Teens, and Bible Class at 9:00am. 

What is service like at Bethel Lutheran in Westmont?

Our focus during service is simply following Jesus together. We approach this through a blended style of service mixing the traditions of Lutheran liturgy mixed with contemporary style music which all tie into a theme for the day which helps us inspire and equip us for day-to-day living as a follower of Christ. Some people dress up and others dress casually for worship. Or as David Crowder sings, "Come As You Are". Feel free to dress in a way that makes you feel comfortable.

Blue activity bags are at the back of the church (where you entered in) to help keep little ones occupied during church. We also have an infant and toddler room you could go to during service for you child to keep busy and you will also be able to hear service. Ask anyone where that is and they'll show you!

The Lord's Supper is celebrated during worship on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th weekends of the month. 

Testimonial from our Music Director

"When I interviewed for the music position at Bethel in 2020, I immediately felt comfortable enough to be myself. After the interview, I went home to talk to my wife about the experience and I told her how it felt like the right fit. We had been at a couple different churches prior; one that was similar in church size and structure, and another that was a non-denominational church with big music, but neither of those places felt like we were a part of it all.

'I was told about the people at Bethel and that they call themselves the "Bethel Family." It didn't take long to witness that because everyone is so genuine. To be able to come to a place where we can come to church with people who believe the same thing, but more importantly people who seek to learn more about Jesus, made Bethel an easy choice."

If you are looking for a place to go to church, then Bethel is it. For all ages and the best part is if you have little ones, the Bethel Family does not mind one bit any noise that comes from a kid. In fact, the coo of a baby makes everyone smile. If you're looking for a community to be a part of, Bethel offers many opportunities to get involved and share the same vision as those around you. I hope you give Bethel a chance.