Get Involved
Bethel Lutheran Church provides many opportunities to serve others as a team Following Jesus Together.
See what interests you and fill out the form so we can contact you when planning begins!
Sunday School
On Sunday mornings during the school year from 9:00-10:00 am, Bethel’s Sunday School Team invests in your child so that they know and love and follow the God who loves and redeems them!
To get started…Come any Sunday morning to the West Basement between 8:45-9:00 am. Enter through the glass BELC door on the west side of the building & head downstairs. Bethel’s Sunday School Team will welcome you and get you started.
Bethel’s Sunday School
Sunday School has ongoing open enrollment, so we mean it when we say, come any time! We’d love to have your kids join us! Parents are welcome to stay for any or all of Sunday School, or just drop off and then be back to pick up at 10:00 am. All the Sunday School team needs is the information on the registration form so we can take good care of your child(ren) – you can either fill one out when you bring your child(ren) or print it out and bring it with you. Please plan to pick up at 10:00 am!
If you are planning on having your child(ren) attend Sunday School for the first time, please click and fill out a registration form so we are well-prepared to take great care of your child(ren). Sunday School Registration
Preschoolers to kids in 5th grade Meet in Bethel’s West Basement to engage in creative openings, interactive Bible time and a wide variety of specials, like crafts, games, cooking, mission projects, science experiments, and more to grow as Christ followers!
Service Opportunities connected with Sunday School include making blankets for Project Linus, food pantry collections and making greeting cards at Christmas, Valentines Day and Easter to send to senior citizens!
Feature Bible Story Sundays A few times a year, the Sunday School team invites a guest to teach the Bible story and engage the children in a special project!
Bethel's Youth Groups
Junior Bible Study Young people in 6th-8th grade come for “JBS” in the upstairs Choir Room. They engage in Bible stories, games, activities and service projects to make walking with Jesus real in their own life. Once a month they are Jr Leaders for our Sunday School program.
Bethel Youth Group “BYG” Teens in high school come for “BYG” in the downstairs Youth Room. Join them for a highly interactive and relational time as they continue to grow and live out their place in the family of God.
HELP NEEDED! Our Sunday School team is looking for one more person to help with the preschool - 5th grade children on Sunday mornings from 9-10am. If you would be willing to help every other week or when you are available, please contact one of our team members (Carrie & Todd Niewald, Ron & Diane Vegter, Missy Sikula, Laine Sikula or Joanne Gaudette) for more information. You can also reach out to Maria Wootton. Thank you for your prayerful consideration in sharing God’s love with our children!
Serving at Bethel
Sunday School Team People from Bethel work in teams so that the next generation who comes to Sunday School can experience the life-changing love of Jesus! Our teams teach bible stories, help the children learn bible verses, put on puppet shows, pray with the children, host application and relational times, help out with mission and service projects, and serve as guides for groups of children.
Bethel’s Festival Choir and Chamber Orchestra Young people and adults meet together in the weeks leading up to Christmas and Easter to rehearse as a choir and instrumentalists. It is fun and engaging and blesses these special worship times with music and beauty. If you would like to sing or play (or have played) an instrument, you are warmly welcome to be a part of Bethel’s Festival Choir and Chamber Orchestra!
Worship Team
Musicians and singers lead worship during Sunday morning worship.
*Contact Brett for information on rehearsals and to get plugged in to one of these music opportunities at Bethel.
Altar Guild
Bethel’s Altar Guild takes care of our sanctuary’s altar each week for worship! This act of hospitality includes setting up the altar for worship, attending to candles and flowers, and setting up the Lord’s Supper when there is communion.
A team of two people, male or female, work together for a scheduled month or two a year to care for Bethel’s altar in the sanctuary.
*Contact church office for information or to help on Altar Guild
People at Bethel take care of the place like it is our home! From painting and gardening to plumbing and electric, it’s a joy to take care of God’s house.
*Contact church office for information or to help with our facilities
Bethel’s AV Team
Bethel’s AV Team facilitates all the technology and live-stream needs during Sunday worship. If you have a passion for technology and would love to serve the people of God during worship in this way, contact the church office for more information.
Scripture Readers
Read small portions of the Bible when we gather together for worship. If you would love to serve the people of God during worship in this way, contact the church office for more information.
Greeters and Ushers
Individuals and families welcome and greet people as they arrive for worship, hand out worship bulletins, and assist during worship with offering collection and the Lord’s Supper. If you enjoy making people feel welcome, contact the church office for more information.
Bethel’s youth, grades 6-12, serve as acolytes for Sunday worship and a few other special worship times. For questions, please call church office.
Special Events
Throughout the year, we host special events for our community and need help with set up, tear down, supervise/run stations, cooking/serving, clean-up, and leading the vision of these special events. If you're a creative mind, this may be the place for you!
Bethel Youth (grades 6-12)
Weekly Confirmation
Youth in grades 7-8 are meeting for Confirmation class for the 2024/25 school year with Immanuel Lutheran Church in Downers Grove as we are in transition between Pastors at Bethel. Once Bethel calls a new Pastor, the Confirmation Class will use the Head to Heart (H2H) material combining current life with Biblical truth to not only engage our young people’s minds about the Christian faith, but also help their hearts know the love of Jesus Christ for each one of them.
Confirmation Retreat
Bethel’s Jr. High Youth participate in a weekend confirmation retreat at Walcamp Outdoor Ministries in Kingston, IL each year in the spring.
Mission trips
Bethel’s high school & college youth have served in the past at Camp Restore Detroit.
With God's blessing and favor, Bethel Church will continue to provide mission and service trips for our youth in the years to come.
National Youth Gathering
Bethel’s high school youth participate in the National Youth Gathering every three years. For 2025, Bethel will be sending 13 teens and 4-5 chaperones to New Orleans, LA from July 19-23.
Bethel’s youth, grades 6-12, serve as acolytes for Sunday worship and a few other special worship times. For questions, please call church office.
Bible Study
Sunday Morning Adult Bible Study
Held during the school year from 9:00-10:00 am, join other adults to explore and learn God’s story and what it means for you today. Nursery care is available for little ones too young for Sunday School so that parents/grandparents can be in Bible Study. Please reach out to the office if you are interested in Nursery Care. Bible Study class for 2024-2025 will be led by Pastor Eric Moeller and will cover the book of Ephesians.
Wednesday Morning Women's Bible Study
Gather with women from BELC, the community, and Bethel during the school year beginning at 9 am for a space to explore who Jesus is and what following Jesus means for you and daily life. For 2024-2025, they will be covering Jennie Allen's book study titled Untangle Your Emotions: Discover How God Made You To Feel. The Bible study will follow the pattern of two weeks of study, one week of breakfast / discussion questions and one week of service together. Contact Nora ( or Krissie ( for more information.
MOB (Men of Bethel)
Gather with other men for friendship, coffee, and Bible study every other Saturday at 8 am in the Choir Room at Bethel. Coffee and donuts served.
*Contact church office for information